Safe Location 4: When you enter the area, go to the far right and up the broken walkway above. Just ahead is a room with a couple of safe's inside. The combination is on the table near the doorway from where you entered. Safe Location 5: During the story, proceed towards the mission objective to meet Alexandria Hypatia. Instead, explore the nearby room with an injured many lying in the bed. He will give you directions to the safe and the code. Safe Location 6 (Lower Aventa District): Exit the sewers and go left towards the map on the board up the stairs. Go down the left alley until you reach all the people, then enter the apartment. To get the code for the safe, check the blackboard in the nearby room. Enter the two digits, and then cycle the remaining digit until it opens. Safe Location 7 (Cyria Gardens Conservatory): Once you reach the Royal Conservatory, there will be a Light Gate blocking the front door. Turn directly around so the gate is at your back and look up for a balcony. Go inside and look for the Witch and Bloodflies. To get the combination for the safe, you must purchase the safe code document from the Black Market in this area. Safe Location 8: This is actually the door to the Black Market, but it requires a code this time. Walk around the back of the building to the alleyway and look through the barred windows for a door blocked by wood. Destroy the wood, then go inside and up the stairs into the room. There is a Wedding Silvergraph behind a photograph near the desk at the end.

Proceed to the hallway in the house to find numbers and a list of months.