
Wallflower blush nsfw
Wallflower blush nsfw

wallflower blush nsfw

She leaves so little of an impression that she's practically invisible to anyone in the vicinity.

  • Saki: Momoko Touyoko has this almost as a superpower.
  • Finally, there is Katori, who's so small, characters keep forgetting she's there. In one episode, he comments that he has become "as invisible as Yaginuma", which suggests the same thing of this character but is never really proven due to his limited screentime.

    wallflower blush nsfw

    One is Nejikawa, who's forgotten by his classmates at least once. The overall plot of the series is her Otaku classmate, Aki Tomoya, trying to figure out how to make a Visual Novel with a main character based on her.

    wallflower blush nsfw

    The title character, Katou Megumi, is a teenage girl who is completely average in terms of appearance and noncommittal in terms of personality, leading her classmates and even her friends to often ignore her.

  • How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend: Indicated right in the title, which is variously translated as How to Raise a Boring Heroine or How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend.
  • At least until one of the Hetaween specials, where he's the main host and the nations not only recognize him, but tell him how good of a job he does.
  • Hetalia: Axis Powers: Some of Canada's interactions with other characters often involve them forgetting who he is or that he exists and/or mistaking him for his more outgoing brother America.
  • In the anime version of Fullmetal Alchemist, Ed and Al have trouble remembering Yoki, the corrupt mining inspector, even though they were the ones who tricked him out of power.
  • He even breaks the fourth wall to comment on it.
  • Eyeshield 21: Tetsuo Ishimaru is so forgettable that other teams completely forget that he exists.
  • It doesn't help that Colin is so shy that he doesn't speak at all. William at least attempts to pay attention to Colin, but every time he tries, something comes up that forces him to leave. When Grace, Arthur, and Vivian are spying on Emma's first visit to the mansion, they completely forget that they left Colin on the other side of the door, face-to-face with the unfamiliar woman by himself (until Vivi barges in to yell at Emma).
  • Emma: A Victorian Romance: Colin, the youngest member of the Jones family, is constantly forgotten or ignored by his older siblings as a Running Gag.
  • Justified as she is a spiritual projection of a girl in a coma.
  • CLANNAD: Only the main characters remember speaking with Fuuko Ibuki, and even they start forgetting her later in the series.

  • Wallflower blush nsfw